News article

What we are doing as a company

Below you'll find some more explanation about what we are doing as a company and how we think that – together with our clients – we can make a difference.

All companies we work with, have decided to set up an emergency fund for the victims. Our clients have asked us how to help them to make sure that their donations make a difference.

I confirm that Sealanes (SMS), Manpower Resources of Asia (MRA) and Multiplan International have set up the following preliminary plan :

1) Locate crew and families and communicate with crew – clients – families

2) Get affected crew home asap and help them to get to their loved ones safely

3) Make sure relievers are processed and travel ready within the shortest possible delay

4) Send marine cadets and office volunteers to the affected areas in order to report the damages sustained by our crew's families and bring emergency help for them

5) Use funds made available by our clients to the “families” of the client, some sort of a family foster plan per company

6) Assess what type of sustainable help is needed in order to help families to start anew and give as much funds available as possible

7) Inform clients of progress and give clients a transparent overview of how funds are spent

8) Set up a program that is aimed to give people the chance to earn a living again and build for the future again (we are thinking of possibly building banka’s for fishermen that lost their livelihood, of sending house building materials, of setting up scholarships for children of affected families, of sending seeds, plants, agricultural machines to the families that live on agriculture, etc…).

It goes without saying that at this moment in time point 1 to 3 requires all our immediate attention; once everyone is located we can start assessing and planning for the short and long term.

We will let you know how your donations made a difference for your families and we will justify every penny/centavo we spend of your donations.

It goes without saying that all the help these families can get is welcome.

We have set up a Belgian bank account, so that individuals and companies can send funds via the SEPA banking system, which makes the bank transfers free of charge within Europe.

Those who prefer to send the money directly to the Philippines, please co-ordinate with Mr. Christopher Dino Dumatol, President of SMS and MRA.

When you transfer the donations to the Belgian bank account, please indicate under "Reference" for which company's crew exactly you want the Filipino families to be shouldered, that way we can easily identify and allocate the funds.

Thank you in advance for all your heartwarming support. We will keep you posted regularly of what we are doing and how your help will arrive and the difference it makes.

Naam rekening :

Victims Typhoon Yolanda

IBAN nummer :

BE36 7350 3431 8281

Bank :


Molenweideplein te 3620 Lanaken, Belgie



Reference :

Free text

f.i. Families of Company "X"

The Multiplan Team

Posted on nov 16, 2013.

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